Business Culture & Etiquette

Business culture is a way to describe the norms, values and etiquette practiced in when dealing with business matters. The meaning of business etiquette refers to  the expectations and requirements of behavior (social and business) that are given by social conventions.

It is important to keep in mind that there are differences across geographical regions and continents and it is good to be culturally sensitive to these. In an international setting, please be mindful of other cultures, religions, social norms and respect these when interacting with peers from other parts of the world.

For specific examples, check out the business culture and etiquette overview for the different regions, please check out more information on business culture & etiquette in the different regions of Europe, as well as Worldwide in Asia, Africa, North America and South America, by clicking the buttons below:

Event Etiquette

When participating in online, in person or online events, is is very important to be mindful of the different environments and the different people we come across. In the diverse Practice Enterprise network we appreciate different opinions and backgrounds and live an inclusive community. This is why being open minded, culturally sensitive is the best approach to attend online, in person or blended events. 

There are some specifics to keep in mind when attending the different event formats Are you attending an online, in person or blended event? Check out the etiquette and tips for the events below.

Online Events

The etiquette for online events is called “netiquette.” This refers to the way of behaving when interacting in business negotiations, meeting and dealings online.

In-Person Events

The in-person event etiquette is has changed to a certain degree after the pandemic. There are certain etiquette elements that may differ from what you experienced prior as for example hand shakes which in some countries changed into other greetings.

Hybrid Events

Hybrid event etiquette reflects elements of both the online and in-person events. Flexibility and adaptability is key when switching between these two dimensions. 

Tips for Participation